Black Bear Conservation Coalition
In choosing the focus of my graduate thesis, I sought out an iconic species native to Louisiana. This led to the Louisiana Black Bear. I discovered the Black Bear Conservation Coalition, a non-profit credited with bringing the bear from the brink of extinction back to its historic territory. With their blessing, I did a complete rebrand and was subsequently asked to implement it. What a pivotal experience. learned SO much about this charismatic mega species, ecosystems, and the myriad of environmental challenges faced by this species and so many others. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Paul Davidson, biologist and director of BBCC, for his invaluable mentorship.
Unfortunately, the BBCC has since retired and its website, full of resources, no longer exists. But it because of their good work, the bear is thriving in Louisiana.
"Hungry Bear, a wild cookbook for human cubs" is a children's educational cook book. It contains 9 fun recipes and nature facts, all centered around the Louisiana Black Bear. Created for children ages 5-10 years old.
Series for BBCC's Bear Smart campaign. A few of the illustrations were later used in "The bear who went from presidential namesake to political pawn" in Outline Magazine.
Eco soft toy created for a membership drive.
A "habitat" pattern I designed had a few applications including a tie used as a BBCC fundraiser. Other typographical concepts were applied for t-shirts and other promotional items.